I remember the first time that I peeled an onion. My
mother always had us girls in the kitchen.I seemed to be the 'Black
Sheep', therefore I thought that I got all the jobs no one else wanted.
I had seen mother do certain things in the kitchen. However, by the time I got in there it was to clean up. This time she called me while she was cooking to peel an onion. I always tried hard to please my mother therefore; I wanted to do a good job at whatever I did.
I began to peel the onions outer skin. I cut into the onion peeling away a layer of it. There was a thin layer there, which I had never seen when eating and I had always hated onions so I got rid of that layer. The next layer was just like the other and was unacceptable to me and I peeled it away only to find another layer. Finally, after peeling the onion to barely nothing, I remember first being afraid when I realized that I had made a mistake by peeling away so many layers. I took what was left to my mother holding the now tiny piece of onion out in the palm of my hand. To my surprise, I did not get into trouble but that day but I learned how to peel an onion.
I had seen mother do certain things in the kitchen. However, by the time I got in there it was to clean up. This time she called me while she was cooking to peel an onion. I always tried hard to please my mother therefore; I wanted to do a good job at whatever I did.
I began to peel the onions outer skin. I cut into the onion peeling away a layer of it. There was a thin layer there, which I had never seen when eating and I had always hated onions so I got rid of that layer. The next layer was just like the other and was unacceptable to me and I peeled it away only to find another layer. Finally, after peeling the onion to barely nothing, I remember first being afraid when I realized that I had made a mistake by peeling away so many layers. I took what was left to my mother holding the now tiny piece of onion out in the palm of my hand. To my surprise, I did not get into trouble but that day but I learned how to peel an onion.
The Word of Truth and the Way into Higher Spiritual
Consciousness into the Kingdom is like the many layers of an
onion. There are multiple-faceted layers, levels and realms that one can continue
on and on and on and still never receive all the revelation to the Mysteries
of divine wisdom and divine knowledge of
the Divine Creator.
Many are the redeemed who dwell in the out-most layer of the
Outer Courts with the masses who are completely happy and content where they are.
They will therefore become mature at that level to perform the duties
where they have been called in life. These are not concerned if they are
one of those Elected to a higher Order
they are content to be one of the inheritor of the Kingdom. They are not concerned about going into the next
layer of the Inner-Court Called the General Assembly.
Those within the General Assembly are just as content and
are satisfied right where they are. They are happy with that which has
been revealed to them as they fulfill their works contently within the General
Assembly. No longer aliens but fellow citizens with the saints and are of
the Royal Household having been built upon the Foundation of the Apostles and
Prophets or the Enlightened One's, with the Christ Principles as the Corner Stone. However, these are capable and able
to minister to the needs of the Masses of the Redeemed dwelling within the
Outer Courts.
Wherever one feels they have been positioned respect where you are. Honor every level and every layer. Each layer is unique and leads one to multifaceted layers of truth, and all are necessary for the building to fit jointly together. No one individual will get it all.
Wherever one feels they have been positioned respect where you are. Honor every level and every layer. Each layer is unique and leads one to multifaceted layers of truth, and all are necessary for the building to fit jointly together. No one individual will get it all.
Within each layer and level one's character is being refined as they are drawn into multiple levels to perfection in that level. One's desire and one's Life-Purpose
purpose determine what they get and how far they go.
The Tent of the Meeting, which housed the Holy Place and the
Most Holy Place was separated within the Tabernacle by a curtain. However the curtain veil was rent to allow access to whomsoever will enter. Many
are the Called few choose to enter into the Tent of
Meeting. Therefore, we are to be content at whatever level we are. The
more one is given the more they are culpable to.
Once we learn and utilize what we have received and the Spirit has worked out the Reality of it in our lives, it is the Spirit that will advance us peeling off another layer as we walk in that of which we have received.
Once we learn and utilize what we have received and the Spirit has worked out the Reality of it in our lives, it is the Spirit that will advance us peeling off another layer as we walk in that of which we have received.
The following two messages, in particular primarily deals with
the Tabernacle, comparing the shadows and
types with the prophetic revelation of the various levels which depicts our
spiritual walk right here on earth. They tell
how to become Restored or come
into Divine Union through putting on the
Mind of a Christ.
In both Stewards of the Gospel and Tent of the Tabernacle, we prophetically broke
down Revelation we received at each level and what the furniture and implements
within each level prophetically represents.
It is so very important for us to know the ‘Pictures’
or ‘Shadows’ given to us in the Scriptures and the prototypes, which
depict the route we are to take in our earthly travels. This is in order for us to reach our intended
purpose in life while spreading love light and compassion for others. Therefore, if one rejects the metaphors written in the so-called Old Testament, they not
only reject the replica of a depiction of Heaven, Zion and the New Jerusalem but the WAY
to reach them! They reject the Way to Restoration.
Heaven is a state of mind one reaches once they have given pure intent. One becomes a Heavenly Citizen. Heaven is not some faraway
place that we reach after we die. The fulfillment of the types and shadows shows us the way to the Kingdom and how to reside there.
We have been presented with a VIEW, a new outlook and improved Perfect Way. The Original Way was not destroyed or done away with but it was fulfilled and perfected. We were presented with a perfect example of how to walk the new and improved Way. Christ said, NOW, the Kingdom of G-D is before you! That was over two thousand years ago!
In another place Scripture says that the Kingdom is within the heart of man! The heart of man is the mind of man! Therefore, to dwell in Heaven one must have the Mind of a Christ—That anointed mind!
Heaven is a part of or a level within Zion. Zion is also known as the New Jerusalem. The replica or shadow of earthly Zion is to enter into a higher mental and spiritual consciousness. This is where the Creator dwells. To dwell in Zion is to be clearly unobstructed in one’s though process or mind to be established in loves abode where High and Holy thoughts abide.
We have been presented with a VIEW, a new outlook and improved Perfect Way. The Original Way was not destroyed or done away with but it was fulfilled and perfected. We were presented with a perfect example of how to walk the new and improved Way. Christ said, NOW, the Kingdom of G-D is before you! That was over two thousand years ago!
In another place Scripture says that the Kingdom is within the heart of man! The heart of man is the mind of man! Therefore, to dwell in Heaven one must have the Mind of a Christ—That anointed mind!
Heaven is a part of or a level within Zion. Zion is also known as the New Jerusalem. The replica or shadow of earthly Zion is to enter into a higher mental and spiritual consciousness. This is where the Creator dwells. To dwell in Zion is to be clearly unobstructed in one’s though process or mind to be established in loves abode where High and Holy thoughts abide.
The entire Tabernacle Complex is Zion! The outer Court
is in Zion. The Inner-Court is in Zion! The General Assembly is in
Zion. The Church of the First born is in Zion and the Spirits of the
righteous made perfect are all various spiritual levels in and are an integral part of Zion!
Within the Church of the Firstborn are those who have been
summoned out of the General Assembly to perform a specific task. In the Christian concept, in this
Order are those spiritual guides who operate within the Fivefold Ministry or Apostolic Order. Some were given as apostles, and some as prophets. And some as evangelists, some as
pastors and some as teachers for the equipping of the saints for the work of
service to the building up of a "Body of Christ'" until all attain the Unity of the Faith; into the Knowledge of Sons; to a mature man or a more perfect man--A christman.
Those within the order of the Church of the First-born are those who have entered into the Holy Place. These are they who were summoned to a higher level and call from among the General Assembly. Their authority overlaps in both the General Assembly and the Church of the Firstborn. These also operate within the Apostolic Order equipping the saints for the work of service in building up a Body of Christ’s.
Those within the order of the Church of the First-born are those who have entered into the Holy Place. These are they who were summoned to a higher level and call from among the General Assembly. Their authority overlaps in both the General Assembly and the Church of the Firstborn. These also operate within the Apostolic Order equipping the saints for the work of service in building up a Body of Christ’s.
The Sons within these levels of Zion have reached maturity
or Teleios within their order. Just because someone is in the General
Assembly or the Outer-Courts does not mean that they cannot reach
perfection. Everyone reaches perfection and/or Teleios according to their
ability and capacity to function and receive unto the measure of one’s fullness. One’s Call,
Election, maturity, desire and intent is what advance someone from the General
Assembly to the Church of the Firstborn.
Teleios is someone who has attained a moral end in the goal
for which he or she was intended, reaching the completion of or perfection
in his or her purpose--Their divinity! This is all in accordance with the dimension of growth and one's fullness as a Christ or 'anointed one' or enlightened one.
Therefore, if someone’s call or election is for the General Assembly or the Church of the First-born, they must stay within that Call and continually ascend to their highest level of divinity. Do not look at someone else's position and want to do what they are doing. I can assure you that each and every one of us has enough work within our own assignment.
All Calls are important and are necessary for the orderly function and the “fullness” of the Body. So, if someone is off on a tangent or thinks that his or her assignment is not as important as some others are, the entire Body suffers.
Therefore, if someone’s call or election is for the General Assembly or the Church of the First-born, they must stay within that Call and continually ascend to their highest level of divinity. Do not look at someone else's position and want to do what they are doing. I can assure you that each and every one of us has enough work within our own assignment.
All Calls are important and are necessary for the orderly function and the “fullness” of the Body. So, if someone is off on a tangent or thinks that his or her assignment is not as important as some others are, the entire Body suffers.
The third Order or “Course” are those in the highest levels
of Zion. That would be through the Veil into the Holy of Holies.
The Veil represents crucifixion of flesh ad enlightenment. These mature righteous or Teleios are
the “breakers,” the “feet,” otherwise known as the “foundation” for the Body.
These have been drawn by Spirit, their flesh having been crucified they have been awakened and enlightened to the Mystery's of restoration and of entering into the Kingdom. They are ministers after the Order of
Melchizedek, cauterized by the flames of love having come to full stature or
Teleios. They form a singular mission, which is to build a Body with many
These will become known as “He who overcomes.” It is to those “Who overcome, IAM will make him a pillar in the Temple of G-D. These are the Enlightened Ones, in Christendom; the Apostles and Prophets who proclaim Truth from the Throne room of Zion.
These will become known as “He who overcomes.” It is to those “Who overcome, IAM will make him a pillar in the Temple of G-D. These are the Enlightened Ones, in Christendom; the Apostles and Prophets who proclaim Truth from the Throne room of Zion.
Those who are left in Zion and remain in Jerusalem will be
called holy, everyone who is recorded for life in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is also called the City of G-D. Geographically, Jerusalem was built on seven hills. The Temple or Zion was built on one of those hills. Zion, also known as the City of David, is the Seat of the Kingdom. The highest of the seven hills is where the throne of David rested. There are seven baptisms and seven spirit realms represented prophetically in the Temple. The number seven in biblical numerology represents completion and perfection.
Jerusalem is also called the City of G-D. Geographically, Jerusalem was built on seven hills. The Temple or Zion was built on one of those hills. Zion, also known as the City of David, is the Seat of the Kingdom. The highest of the seven hills is where the throne of David rested. There are seven baptisms and seven spirit realms represented prophetically in the Temple. The number seven in biblical numerology represents completion and perfection.
"His Foundation is in the holy mountains. The Lord
loves the Gates of Zion more than all other dwelling places…Glorious things are
spoken of you, O City of G-D, I shall mention Rahab and Babylon among those who
know me; ‘this one was born there.’ But of Zion it shall be said ‘this
one and that one were born in her’ and the Most High Himself will establish Her.
The Lord shall count when He registers (in Book of Life) the peoples; this one
was born there. Then those who sing as well as those who play the flutes
shall say ‘all my springs of joy are in you."
Both Rahab and Babylon represents bondage; however, in this
case, they have been redeemed and adopted into the Royal Household having
accepted their redemption. They know who G-D is, yet they still hold
onto some of their old ways, they have not fully awakened to become mature as Sons. They are
not completely sold out. This is why they received a mere mention.
These will serve in the Outer Court and within the General Assembly.
However, glory and excellence were told of the “Foundations”
and “Gates of Zion.” Those that dwell here, their birthright and the
approval of their commission were established. These “Foundations” and “Gate-keepers” of
Zion were born there! They have reclaimed their heritage! This is
why they are victorious. They are Overcomers! This sing a song of
victory is over the image of the beast, his name, the mark and the number of the name. These have something to
sing about because they have been made anew, clothed in the purity and god essence of their higher self. They have been successful within their Metron and will proclaim Truths
from Zion! They are the Foundations of Zion! They are the Enlightened One's!
© Includes excerpts from the book THIRD DAY SONS by Jewels
Prophet (books available at amazon.com)
Hotep Light One Love
El Ahora El Bey
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